The goal comes in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and World Health Organization (WHO) goals to ensure welfare and prosperity to all, the minister said in a delivered speech at the WHO meeting in Geneva to mark the World Hepatitis Day.
Egypt had faced a key challenge in confronting the hepatitis virus due to its health and socio-economic ramifications, a matter which required unifying the concerned bodies topped by the Health Ministry to eliminate the virus.
Besides treating patients, the Egyptian medical team is also training the Chadian side to carry out a survey on hepatitis viruses. The training includes doctors, pharmacists and laboratory officials.
Egypt, known for being pioneers in overcoming Hepatitis A, B and C, plans on helping the Nile Basin countries to cure the cases that test positive and to mitigate the spread of Malaria.
Spokesperson of the Health Ministry Khalid Mujahid said treatments for Hepatitis C are available in Egypt.