“The supreme body of the Wafd Party took a binding decision by nominating a candidate in the presidential election in 2022,” MP Sulaiman Wahdan.
The current leader of the Wafd Party, El-Sayed el-Badawi, participated in the election of Wafd’s new chairperson on Friday.
The Wafd Party chairmanship election kicks off on Friday. Four candidates are running for the position after eight years under El-Sayyid el-Badawi.
Remarks given by President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi have still dominating opinion columns and articles written by prominent media figures in Egypt on Saturday
Al-Wafd Party officially announced Saturday the withdrawal of its chairman El-Sayyid el-Badawi as its presumptive nominee in the upcoming presidential elections.
A collection of significant topics tackled by Arab writers on Saturday, covering Egyptian-Sudanese relations, Egypt’s new NGO law and Qatar’s black history.