Minister of Local Development Hisham Amna revealed in a statement Tuesday that the Inspection and Follow-Up Sector had referred 1,184 employees at municipal authorities to investigation.
The National Dialogue released Tuesday a statement on a closed session that took place the day before to phrase proposals and recommendations pertaining to the electoral system of municipal councils.
The National Dialogue's sessions on the draft bill on exercising political rights, draft bill on municipalities administration, and resolving the challenges pertaining to the activities of workers' syndicates kicked off Sunday.
Those involve the ministries of justice, communications, and local development.
The planning ministry secured technical assistance for 100 Healthy Lives Initiative, and upgraded 30 percent of vaccination bureaus located in 13 governorates.
They did not collect LE1.304 billion ($78 million) from lessees of beaches of a number of beaches in Alexandria.
The Cairo Governorate Municipal Authority demolished on Sunday 11 buildings in Hekr Al Sakakiny slum area after it had relocated residents to Mahrousa 1.
Unlicensed buildings and huts are demolished after the evacuation of the residents.
The Municipal Authority of Aswan Governorate and the Armed Forces Engineering Authority signed earlier this week a cooperation protocol worth LE609 million ($35.5 million).
The garbage were collected from all 27 governorates.