Head of the Egyptian Drug Authority Dr. Ali Al-Ghamrawy stressed that the main goal of the Drug Authority in all its sectors is to provide safe and effective medicine to citizens.
The Egyptian Drug Authority cooperates with the World Health Organization, exerts efforts to mechanize and digitally transform the industry as well as localize modern technology in drug manufacturing.
Egyptian exports continue to achieve positive results during 2022, as the medical, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries sector achieved remarkable increases, bringing the increase rates to 38.8%, as follows.
He pointed out that the prices of medicines were moved in 2016 at a rate of about 7,000 types of medicines, but during the current period there is an increase in prices for only about 10 medicines.
Egypt would start producing COVID-19 drug this month, stressing that these drugs, with adopting preventive measures and vaccines that represent the main and basic prevention in limiting the disease.
The budget of 15 state-covered treatment function codes will increase from LE 4 billion ($225 million) to LE 7.6 billion ($427 million)
Establishing a General Authority for Medicine to monitor the system is a better solution than hiring a deputy minister to solve the shortage of medicine crisis.
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