The ministry explained that the initiative aims to detect the disease in the early stages, thus reducing deaths resulting from it, and reducing the financial burden in late cases.
The Ministry of Health and Population launched Sunday an initiative aimed at the early diagnosis of liver cancer, and the treatment of cirrhosis patients.
The Ministry of Health and Population made the announcement Sunday.
Once a kidney disease case is identified, the patient is offered free treatment.
The campaign was launched early in November two weeks after academic year 2020/2021 had begun.
In just a couple of days, the number of South Sudanese citizens screened for Hepatitis C by the Egyptian medical mission has almost tripled to become 676.
The Egyptian movie “Akhdar Yabes” (Withered Green) will screen at the Cinema Club on Thursday, August 9.
A special screening of the biographical drama "The Music of Silence" will take place at Zamalek Cinema on May 1.
The 2015 comedy-drama film “Youth”, starring Michael Caine, will screen at ROOM Art Space & Café on April 29.
French/Tunisian drama "Beauty and the Dogs" will be screening at Zamalek Cinema on Tuesday, Apr. 24.
The 2009 Italian crime film "Gomorrah" will be screening at ROOM Art Space & Café on April 22, 2018.
The 2016 German documentary "Gaza Surf Club" will be screening at the Goethe Institute on April 15.
The making-of-a-film documentary "Burden of Dreams" will be screening at Cimatheque on April 17 and again on April 22, 2018.
Yvonne Rainer's politically insightful 1990 film "Privilege" will be screening at Cimatheque on April 15 and again on April 17.
Films from three European countries will be screening across four weeks as part of the V4 Film Festival Cairo, starting on April 4.
French drama “The Blessed” will be screening as part of the Cairo Cinema Days event sometime during Apr. 23 and Apr. 29.
Sarah Ishaq's 2013 documentary "The Mulberry House" will be screening at Cimatheque on Tuesday, April 3.
The tragic Italian comedy "Life is Beautiful" will be screening at Room Art Space & Café on April 1, 2018.
Andrei Tarkovsky's final film, "The Sacrifice", will be screening at ADEF Deca on Tuesday
Animated movie "The Breadwinner" willscreenat Magnolia. Leaves of Artin Zamalek on Monday