Egypt’s merchandise exports increases by 10% during first 4 months of 2024



Tue, 21 May 2024 - 04:58 GMT


Tue, 21 May 2024 - 04:58 GMT

CAIRO – 21 May 2024: Minister of Trade and Industry, Ahmed Samir, announced that Egypt’s merchandise exports reached $12.9 billion in the first four months of 2024, marking a 10 percent increase compared to the same period in 2023, when it was $11.7 billion.
Samir provided an overview of the primary destinations for Egyptian merchandise exports, with Saudi Arabia emerging as the largest receiving market, valued at $1.96 billion. 
Turkey followed closely behind with imports worth $1.76 billion, while Italy contributed $793.1 million to Egypt’s export market. 
The United Arab Emirates and the United States of America also demonstrated strong demand, with import values of $735 million and $716.2 million, respectively.
The minister highlighted the key export sectors that shaped the structure of Egyptian merchandise exports during the first four months of 2024.
 These sectors included building materials which recorded $2.876 billion, food industries recorded $2.1 billion, chemical products and fertilizers amounted to $1.976 billion, agricultural crops reached $1.7 billion, engineering and electronic goods recorded $1.701 billion, and ready-made clothing $855 million.
Furthermore, there were notable export items that experienced increased representation in Egyptian merchandise exports from January to April 2024. These included fresh and dried citrus fruits valued at $767 million, gold amounted to $650 million, nitrogen fertilizers recorded $588.5 million, insulated wires and cables $440 million, and oils $362.4 million.
The Minister emphasized the Ministry’s objective for the upcoming phase, which is to enhance exports across all productive sectors to diverse foreign markets. This objective aligns with Egypt’s target of achieving approximately $100 billion in annual exports of Egyptian goods.



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