Water Supply
The Egyptian Center for Strategic Studies (ECSS) issued Friday a report titled "The Villages of Egypt in 10 Years: From Marginalization to Decent Life."
The Ministry of Planning and Economic Development indicated in a statement Thursday.
The meeting is the first after talks have been suspended for a month.
The Municipal Authority of Aswan Governorate and the Armed Forces Engineering Authority signed earlier this week a cooperation protocol worth LE609 million ($35.5 million).
Planning Minister Hala El Saed said that LE1.1 billion would go to projects in Sohag, while the rest would be directed to Qena.
They checked the dam by visiting six sites that lie inside, outside, and at the borders of the reservoir.
They checked the dam by visiting six sites that lie inside, outside, and at the borders of the reservoir.
The money raised will be allocated to introducing water supply in deprived areas.
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