Local currency deposits climbed by 15.1 percent, foreign currency deposits surged by 77.9 percent, and foreign currency deposits amounted to 21.01 percent of total bank deposits in August 2023.
The capital of the five major banks amounted to about LE 109.599 billion, accounting for 47.6 percent of the total banks' capital amounting to LE 229.834 billion at the end of last March.
Governmental deposits stood at LE 1.159 trillion in local currency, while total non-governmental deposits increased to LE 5.151 trillion.
Total governmental deposits at banks hit LE 1.2 trillion by the end of October, the CBE said in a report, a copy of which was obtained by MENA.
CBE said in the data published on its website that demand deposits rose by about LE 34 billion to record LE 585.309 billion at the end of June 2021, compared to LE 551.398 billion at the end of last May.
Household deposits compose 69.4 percent of the sum.
The value of pensions disbursed from post offices amounted to about LE 84.2 billion during the year 2019/2020, compared to LE 78.3 billion in 2018/2019.
Total governmental deposits at banks increased by LE 50.6 billion to reach LE 726.3 billion by the end of April against LE 675.7 billion by the end of March.
The total governmental deposits at banks increased by LE 55 billion to reach LE 675.7 billion pounds against LE 620 billion by the end of February.
Government deposits in local currency stood at about LE 546.4 billion, while they recorded LE 74.1 billion in foreign currency.
He added that many countries use and invest all their savings.
It also decided a daily limit for deposits and cash withdrawals from ATM machines at LE 5,000, indicating that the banks sterilize and disinfect those machines periodically.
Governmental deposits decreased LE 10.6 billion to reach LE 602.9 billion in the end of January, compared to LE 613.5 billion in December 2019.
Government deposits totaled LE 613 billion in December 2019, compared to LE 612.5 billion the previous month.
The total non-governmental deposits at banks until May increased by LE 4 billion by the end of May to hit LE 3.320 trillion compared to LE 3.316 trillion in April.
The total non-governmental deposits at banks until March increased by 49 billion pounds to hit LE 3.296 trillion compared to LE 3.247 trillion in February.
Total government deposits amounted to LE 631.1 billion, LE 509.7 billion of which were in the local currency and LE 121.4 billion were in foreign currencies.
CBE said that total government deposits amounted to LE 613.6 billion, LE 498.2 billion of which were in the local currency and LE 115 billion were in foreign currencies. T
CBE said that total government deposits amounted to LE 613.6 billion, LE 498.2 billion of which were in the local currency and LE 115 billion were in foreign currencies.
Total government deposits amounted to LE 521.9 billion, of which LE 425.5 billion were in the local currency and LE 96.3 billion were in foreign currencies.