In Ramadan, we bet you will find dates on every table, but it can get a bit boring sometimes so here are some recipes to incorporate dates in that you'll definitely love!
This initiative is in collaboration with the Ministry of Trade and Industry, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation.
The activities of the sixth session of the International Dates Festival kicks off Saturday in Aswan city, and to last from 8 to 10 October.
Aswan Governorate is preparing to host one of the most prominent economic and investment events in Egypt; the International Dates Festival in October.
Statistics showed a continuous and noticeable increase in the number of total and fruitful date palms, reaching 3 million and 600,000 palm trees.
Ashraf Attia, Governor of Aswan, stated that the festival comes under the auspices of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi to maximize the added value of more than 2.1 million palm trees.
In a statement on Wednesday, the council said Egypt exported date to 59 states, noting that Indonesia was at the top of the list of importers, followed by Morocco and Malaysia.
If you are looking for a healthy way to satisfy your sweet tooth, we recommend you use date powder, a 100-percent healthy sugar.
Yet, Egypt's rank in dates export market is not as high
Dates provide our bodies with all the needed nutrients and energy depleted during fasting.
Siwa Oasis hosted on Nov. 7 the Dates Festival which is an implemented program to promote date industry through the development of supply chains, focusing on modern technologies of transfer and application.
Egypt’s exports of dates increased 70% in the first quarter, reaching 30,000 tons at a value of $29.4 million, Trade Minister Tarek Kabil said on Tuesday.
A wrap-up of the most prominent business news of the day.
Egypt is the world's largest producer of dates with a volume of 1.5 million tons, representing about 17 percent of the world’s production volume of dates.
Egypt's agricultural exports increased this season by 500,000 tons, compared to last year's exports, by entering new markets.
Lead: A wrap-up for the most prominent business news of the day.
Lead: A wrap-up for the most prominent business news of the day.
The plan has been presented to President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, who ordered to form a panel to discuss providing a date meal for school students.
The line was inaugurated Saturday in one of the dates factories, at an investment of LE 5 million.
The plan aims to aims to boost Egypt’s dates exports from 38,000 tons to 120,000 tons during the next five years.
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