Technology has become an inseparable part of our lives, connecting us in so many ways, but truth be told, it is not always positive. Sadly, we are now facing a worldwide phenomenon, a dark emergence of picture-based blackmail, specifically targeting girls.
The Ministry of Social Solidarity launched a dialogue conference "Combating Electronic Harassment and Extortion", under the title "Don't be afraid... Speak up", to raise awareness of issues of electronic harassment and blackmail practiced against women.
The 15-year old girl from Sharkia has taken her own life last after being subject to fake images and blackmail.
Gharbia Security Directorate said that the culprits are named Ibrahim A. and Abdel Hamid Sh.
China's state media, the government's retaliatory tariffs on $60 billion of U.S. goods showed rational restraint and they accused the United States of blackmail.
The Egyptian law criminalizes activities including violation of an individual’s private life without his permission, and sentences the violator to prison.