presidential term
President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi has vowed to continue economic reform measures and enhance the ongoing state of political openness as he addressed the public during a family iftar banquet on Saturday.
Minister of Antiquities Khaled al-Anani was seen casting his ballot in a polling station in Luxor.
On Saturday, the registered voters inside Egypt will be able cast their ballot over three consecutive days.
A total number of 531 Parliamentarians approved, Tuesday a draft report of a number of constitutional amendments presented earlier by its legislative committee.
BREAKING: Parl’t approves planned constitutional amendments, referendum to be held soon CAIRO – 16 April 2019: The Parliament approved on Tuesday a draft report of a number of constitutional amendments presented earlier by its legislative committee, gi
The speaker allowed guests and MPs to express their opinions during the sessions, while giving them appropriate time.
A transitional article gives the right to the incumbent president to run for a third 6-year term after he finishes his second in 2024.
Abdel Aal mentioned some of the proposed amendments that he sees as positive, including the creation of the post of Vice President, and bringing back the Shura Council that was formerly dissolved.
The Egyptians appearing in the video called on citizens to participate, while others urged voting in favor of the amendments.
The National Election Authority is expected to invite Egyptians to cast their vote on draft constitutional amendments after mid April in case two-third of the Members of the Parliament approved them, according to a parliament statement on Sunday.
Haitham al-Hariri has changed his stance, publicly calling on Egyptian citizens in a Facebook post to "positively participate and vote at the referendum."
Some citizens, mostly youth, gathered on Sunday before the Court of Urgent Matters in Abdeen, calling for extending the presidential term.
Five governors will stay in their posts.
President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi begins a second presidential term (2018-2022) on Saturday after swearing in the oath in an exceptional session at the Parliament.
Egyptian workers union held a conference on Sunday to announce supporting President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi to run for a second presidential term.
President of Aswan University Ahmed Ghallab on Wednesday signed (To Build It) petition calling on Sisi to run for a second presidential term.