5 Tips to Improve Your Concentration and Productivity While Fasting



Mon, 03 Apr 2023 - 01:33 GMT


Mon, 03 Apr 2023 - 01:33 GMT

Majority of people who fast find it hard to stay focused and productive at work. With no morning coffee or a nutritious breakfast in addition to different sleeping patterns or lack of sleep, our energy levels decrease and it becomes harder for us to be productive. Worth mentioning that fasting doesn’t mean it is impossible for you to stay productive. With some simple tips, you can improve your focus throughout Ramadan.
1. Plan ahead
Nothing is worse than arriving at the office not knowing what you have to deal with or work on for the day. Now imagine the same while fasting. Lack of planning makes us feel overwhelmed which results in distraction and lack of focus. Plan ahead from the night before the things you need to get done at work so you spare energy spent on planning while you are in the middle of work.
2. Eat a nutritious suhoor
Since you don’t get to eat the main meal of the day that helps you kick start your morning, you need to make sure that you eat a nutritious suhoor that provides your body with every nutrient it needs for the next day. In your suhoor, include foods rich in water content to keep you hydrated in addition to nuts which are great for brain functions.
3. Avoid Distractions
You need to focus your attention where it belongs. With the risks of not being focused while fasting, you need to minimize distractions as much as possible Turn off your social media notifications, and don’t get yourself dragged into the loop of multitasking.
4. Get enough sleep
Lack of sleep is one of the reasons why lose focus and find it hard to stay productive. Accumulated sleep deprivation will result in fatigue and exhaustion. If you tend to stay up late during Ramadan, make sure you compensate for the lack of sleep with a good afternoon nap after work to compensate your body with the sleep it needs.
5. Stay active
Exercising during Ramadan plays a significant role in being energetic. It doesn’t have to be a vigorous workout, even a 30-minute walk or jog is more than enough to keep you active and accordingly you will not feel sluggish the next morning. 



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