This social realism drama explores the relationship between an estranged single father and his young son in the slums of Venezuela, where crime reigns. When Pedro (Reggie Reyes) gets into a knife fight and stabs another boy over a cell phone, his father, Andres (Giovanny García) is forced to take him and flee into the city, fearing the revenge of the boy’s family and gang members.
On the run, the two struggle to bond, but find the only thing they have in common is their blood, and the fact that they are both victims of a government that simply does not care. Dialogue is minimal in this film, reflecting the alienation and hostility many of Venezuela’s poor feel.
Premiering during the Cannes Film Festival’s ‘Critics Week’ on May 23, 2017, "The Family" was nominated for over seven awards, including the ‘Critics' Week Grand Prize’ from Cannes and the Stockholm Film Festival’s ‘Bronze Horse’ award for Best Film.
The 39th Cairo International Film Festival runs from November 21 until November 30.
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