, exploring his life and music. The film stars Ewan McGregor, and the film is directed by Don Cheadle, who also plays Davis. Cheadle goes for a straight-forward documentary-style direction to make a colorful movie that is every bit as cool and energetic as the real-life figure it is based on, incorporating and infusing the spirit of jazz wherever possible.
Primarily set in the 1970s, the movie depicts a time when Davis had withdrawn from the public eye and spiraled down the rabbit hole of drug addiction, while a fictional Rolling Stones writer (McGregor) tries to get the star out for an interview. Though mostly fabricated, the plot helps to provide a sense of narrative during this mysterious period.
The film features numerous flashbacks to Davis’ past, looking over the career of a man who constantly sought to reinvent himself, refusing to remain stagnant no matter what.
Miles Ahead won the 2017 Grammy Award for Best Compilation Soundtrack for Visual Media.
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