Crowding reduction studied as railways, metro being sanitized



Tue, 10 Mar 2020 - 01:11 GMT


Tue, 10 Mar 2020 - 01:11 GMT

Cairo's Attaba Metro Station - Photo by Karim Abdel Aziz/Egypt Today

Cairo's Attaba Metro Station - Photo by Karim Abdel Aziz/Egypt Today

CAIRO - 10 March 2020: The Ministry of Transport began disinfecting and sterilizing the railways and the metro networks as means to counter coronavirus, as well as setting a plan to reduce crowding at these facilities.

On Monday, Minister of Transport Kamel al-Wazir demanded daily reports on the updates of the sanitary measures conducted by cleaning staff of the two major means of transport.
The trains, toilets and stations are being sterilized, and posters are being hung to raise awareness about the virus, its symptoms and steps to take when suspecting one contracted the virus.

The posters said a temperature of over 38 degrees, alongside coughing and dealing with a confirmed case of coronavirus, healthcare staff at hospitals where the disease has been confirmed or someone who has resided in China recently.

Confirmed cases are those who had a PCR test and were positive, while suspected cases may call 105 to study their options.



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