No coronavirus among Chinese in Egypt: ambassador



Tue, 28 Jan 2020 - 03:08 GMT


Tue, 28 Jan 2020 - 03:08 GMT

An official uses a thermal camera at the arrivals hall of Suvarnabhumi Airport as a measure to prevent the spread of coronavirus in Bangkok, Thailand January 24, 2020. REUTERS/Soe Zeya Tun

An official uses a thermal camera at the arrivals hall of Suvarnabhumi Airport as a measure to prevent the spread of coronavirus in Bangkok, Thailand January 24, 2020. REUTERS/Soe Zeya Tun

CAIRO - 28 January 2020: No coronavirus among the Chinese community in Egypt, and the Chinese tourists will be leaving Egypt in five days, ambassador Liao Liqiang said Tuesday.

He added that no case has been detected amongst the Egyptian students in China.

On Monday, spokesperson of the Health Miinstry Khaled Mugahed said no coronavirus patients have been recorded in Egypt.

Ministry of Health launched on Monday campaigns in seven governorates in Egypt to check Chinese restaurants and to activate means of health control in conjunction with the panic that is sweeping the world from the Coronavirus.

According to the ministry’s statement, the ministry assigned the governors to check the restaurants to make sure that the food served to Egyptians is safe.Chinese workers at all these restaurants will be fully checked to make sure they obtained health certificates, the statement reported.

If the governors discover cases that are infected with coronavirus, they will be transferred to isolation rooms in the hospitals that treat this type of disease.

Meanwhile, Minister of Health Hala Zayed confirmed that Egypt is free from the new virus, adding during her inspection tour at the Sharm El-Sheikh International Airport on Sunday that the ministry has already taken all the necessary measures against it.

Egypt’s Ministry of Health earlier declared a state of emergency in quarantines at all the state’s air, maritime and ground outlets as a protection against the outbreak of the new coronavirus.

The Ministry of Health added that all inbound and outbound travelers from and to the country are being inspected, noting that the hospitals nationwide have been notified of the necessary measures and treatment.

Head of the preventive medicine sector at the Ministry of Health Alaa Eid said in TV statements on Friday that the new virus is the third type of coronavirus. Coronavirus types range from common cold to severe forms that are life-threatening, including SARS and MERS.

Other world states are on alert after confirming new cases in the U.S. The third infected case was confirmed in southern California. The two other cases were reported in Washington D.C. and Chicago. Four cases were reported in Japan, which announced that Japanese citizens will return from Wuhan via charter flights.



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