Spain terrorist attacks - Reuters
CAIRO – 18 August 2017: Qatar is determined to spread terrorism and chaos across the world. The tiny country’s conspiracy to destroy the Arab countries through continues support of terrorist groups in the region was not enough to satisfy the terrorist regime’s appetite; it is now turning the compass to European countries.
Spain is the latest Qatari terrorism victim. The country witnessed two deadly attacks on Thursday; the first was in Barcelona while the other was in the coastal resort of Cambrils. The two attacks lead to killing at least 15 people and more than a hundred injured including citizens of 24 countries. The Spanish police reported killing five terrorists and arresting four suspects.
Prior to these attacks, Spanish newspapers warned of Islamic State (IS) terrorist group plot against Spain whether within its borders or even abroad.
A report published Friday by the Spanish newspaper ‘La Razón’ revealed that Qatari businessmen are financing and supporting terrorism in the province of Catalonia.
Terrorism threats in Spain:
Extremist ideology spread through mosques and Islamic centers:
Catalonia province is an autonomous region to terrorism. It hosts more than 256 mosques and more than 1260 Islamic centers. Around 100 of these Islamic centers promote radical Salafist ideology while 80 centers promote terrorism, according to the report.
‘La Razón’ explains that mosques and Islamic centers in Catalonia spread extremism, hatred speech and recruit terrorists who are willing to commit attacks in the country.
It states also that the Spanish police is monitoring these mosques and centers for years, following warnings from counter-terrorism experts on the spread of the IS within Spain supported by Qatari funds and especially funds from Qatar’s wealthy businessmen.
The report highlights that some of these mosques and Islamic centers are affiliated with terrorist organizations and groups like the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood, Moroccan Al-Adl Wa Al-Ihssane group (English Justice and Spirituality) and the Tabligh Group (English Proselytizing group), which all contradicts with the values of democracy and the Spanish system and constitution.
Terrorists and extremists that arrive to Spain:
The Spanish report indicates that Morocco represents a great threat to Spain as it hosts takfiris who travel to Spain and plan terrorist attacks in the country. It mentions that during the last few years this phenomenon increased in Catalonia province, as in 2016 more than 10 Muslim preachers were recognized as the most radical preachers in Spain, among them 6 were in Catalonia.
The report also refers to social rejection in Catalonia province to building mosques due to concerns that these mosques are the main reason for growing radicalism and salafist ideology in Spain.
‘La Razón’ newspaper pointed out that more than 200 Spanish nationals travelled to fight in areas controlled by IS in Syria and Iraq. There is a growing concern of these fighters’ return to Spain, as they might engage in terrorist attacks in the country especially that some of them refused to join the Spanish army.
In addition, a recent report published by the Spanish Royal Institute ‘Elecano’ confirmed that at least 124 terrorists were presented to prosecution in Spain from 2013 to 2016. The report highlighted that 83.1 percent of these arrested terrorists were affiliated to IS.
In November 2011, the Spanish authorities announced capturing a group affiliated to IS. The authorities said that they were planning to carry out several terrorist attacks in various areas of the country.
Claims to restore the Islamic caliphate in Spain:
Spain was ruled by a Muslim caliphate for almost 800 years, through the end of the 15th century. Radical Islamist groups invoke restoration of the caliphate as a justification to their violence.
Following the attacks in Spain, IS claimed credit for the attacks and published several videos to confirm that its fighters carried out the terror attacks and killed these innocent people. In previous occasions, IS published a map of the desired “Islamic caliphate” which includes the Iberian Peninsula in Europe.
Furthermore, on Friday Iraqi media reported that IS announced forming a group to commit series of attacks, in the name of Islam, including ramming into civilians in Europe and the United States with the aim to “take over these countries and retrieve the Islamic state in Europe,” according to IS claims.
Recruitment of terrorists through social media platforms:
The ‘La Razón’ report highlighted that terrorists’ recruitment process has become easier than ever through social media platforms. Furthermore, terrorists affiliated to IS are using social media to spread their hatred speech and to communicate their attacks plans across the world without physical presence in the targeted countries.
Following the attacks in Spain, IS supporters celebrated on social media and published several posts to confirm their support to such attacks in western countries “that are responsible for the deteriorated situation in the Islamic countries,” according to IS supporters.
Spain witnessed several terrorist attacks during the last two decades. In 2004, the country witnessed one of Europe’s deadliest attacks when 200 people were killed by 10 bombs that were located on four commuter trains. Investigations revealed that Spanish home-grown Islamist radicals were responsible for the attack.
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