Power cuts problem is result of increasing consumption, Cabinet



Wed, 10 Jul 2024 - 10:52 GMT


Wed, 10 Jul 2024 - 10:52 GMT

CAIRO - 10 July 2024: Egypt’s Cabinet spokesperson Mohamad Al- Humosani said, Wednesday that the current electricity problem, is the result of increasing consumption and the need to provide more financial resources that enable the purchase of the fuel necessary for the operation of the electricity network and stations.

He added, in televised statements that there is coordination with the General Federation of Chambers of Commerce and the Federation of Industries to control the prices of goods in the markets, and these efforts will continue during the coming period, explaining that the regulatory authorities play an important role, as dealing with the issue of controlling prices in the markets takes place through several axes, the first of which is Market supervision.

Humosani said on Tuesday that the government is committed the Prime Minister promise regarding stopping load shedding starting the third week of July.

He added in televised statements that the government’s communication with citizens and the media will be of interest during the coming period, especially with President Sisi’s directives on the importance of communicating with public opinion and sharing all priority issues, and will be of interest and follow-up in the coming period.

The premier wants to get down to the country's actual needs of fuel supplies to put an end to power cuts, Humosani added, noting that the government is now gauging fuel consumption to determine actual fuel needs.

The state has allocated nearly $1.2 billion to secure the quantities of fuel needed to end power cuts, the spokesman said.




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