Jordanian Crown Prince arrives Al-Arish to supervise transportation of Jordanian field hospital to Gaza



Mon, 20 Nov 2023 - 03:32 GMT


Mon, 20 Nov 2023 - 03:32 GMT

CAIRO – 20 November 2023:  Jordanian Crown Prince Hussein bin Abdullah II arrived, Monday in Al-Arish city to supervise the process of equipping and sending the Jordanian Private Field Hospital/2 to the southern Gaza Strip, with a capacity of 41 beds.


According to the Jordanian News Agency, the Crown Prince arrived at Al-Arish International Airport on board a Royal Jordanian Air Force military plane carrying hospital staff, equipment and medical devices.

The hospital's 145 staff include medical and nursing teams in the Royal Medical Services, in addition to administrators.



Earlier, 40 trucks arrived at the Rafah crossing carrying medical equipment, devices and supplies to equip the hospital.

Up to 153 planes have arrived Al Arish International Airport, transporting aid to Gaza since October 12, according to Egyptian Red Crescent in North Sinai.

It was added that the planes transported about 4,000 tons of various aid, which was stored in 7 secured warehouses in Al-Arish city and transported to the Gaza Strip in coordination between the Egyptian Red Crescent and the Palestinian Red Crescent.

The aid carried by the planes included humanitarian aid, medicines, supplies, medical equipment, food supplies, tents, and equipped ambulances.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees [UNRWA] said that almost 1.7 million people have been displaced across the Gaza Strip since 7 October.

It was added that as of 18 November, nearly 884,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) are now sheltering in 154 UNRWA installations across all five governorates of the Gaza Strip, including in the north.



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