5 Gentle Reminders to Yourself



Wed, 24 Apr 2024 - 01:40 GMT


Wed, 24 Apr 2024 - 01:40 GMT

In the midst of our hustling and never-ending daily routines, one always feels too overwhelmed to think of anything else other than their responsibilities. You wake up, want to get things done, sleep then repeat. A tiresome cycle not only for the body but for the soul too. 
The soul needs to be taken care of and nurtured. It is the essence of who we are, that if the light of it is dimmed, we would all be the same person, just trapped in different walking figures. We sometimes need to give ourselves some gentle reminders, that help us self-reflect and reconnect with ourselves, these reminders will guide us back to what truly matters in this life, and here are some of them.
1. Do not dwell on things you can’t alter
There may be unfortunate events in your life, which is normal, but as long as it’s not in your hands to change it, then the kindest act you can do for yourself is to slowly accept your fate. Let go of all the “what could’ve been” scenarios. 
2. Resting does not mean that you’re lazy
Felt a wave of guilt whenever you rest? That is a sign that you overworked yourself. You deserve to take time out when you need it without even justifications. Remember, you are a human and it is totally okay to take some time off on your own
3. You're allowed to feel all emotions
Try not to bottle up your feelings, and allow yourself to feel all your emotions and even embrace your feelings without shame, even if it means being a little bit vulnerable sometimes. This will help you feel stronger and heal faster from what hurt you.
4. Be proud of yourself
You came a long way after all the hardships that you have endured, and you thought it would make you weaker but on the contrary, it made you way stronger than before. Give yourself the credit that you stood up after each fall and take the time to acknowledge your accomplishments.
5. It is okay to make mistakes
Whether they are work-related or in your relationships, making mistakes is just the best way to learn and it also helps us to grow. Failures are proof that you are trying, so do not be hard on yourself, learn from them and understand what went wrong so that you don't repeat them.



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