5 Top Signs to Spot a Toxic Friend



Thu, 22 Feb 2024 - 04:37 GMT


Thu, 22 Feb 2024 - 04:37 GMT

On the journey of life, our best friends are the family we get to pick. They are the ones who help, support us each step of the way, and inspire us to be the best versions of ourselves. Sadly, not all friendships are healthy, for various reasons but maybe the most important of them all is that if you are in a toxic friendship. These kinds of friendships slowly drain our energy, having a huge negative impact on our well-being. If you can't recognize if your friend is toxic or not, we are here to help!
1. Jealousy
Whenever you succeed, even in the smallest achievements they never congratulate you. Instead, they belittle every milestone that you are proud of, maybe even criticize you for it. Competing may be their only goal, while always trying to be one step ahead of you.
2. Disrespecting your boundaries
Good friends will always respect the boundaries and limits that you set. However, if your friend is toxic, they will always be pushy, and ask you to do actions you don't even want to do, and when you refuse they lash out at you.
3. Not enjoying your time together
Dreading the time you spend together? Avoiding their calls and messages? Then maybe you're not happy with their presence in your life, you feel emotionally drained while you're with them.
4. Manipulating you
Whether it is gaslighting, guilt-tripping, or just simple emotional blackmailing to get what they want from you, all of these are signs of manipulation that shouldn't occur in any friendship.
5. Always the center of attention
To them, your problems and struggles do not matter and what only matters is fixing theirs first. They never listen to you nor try to help in any way, ignoring you when you need them.
There are many signs to spot a toxic friend, and these are just small examples that may help you recognize that this friendship is not worth your effort or time.



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