The Art of healing



Fri, 29 Oct 2021 - 01:37 GMT


Fri, 29 Oct 2021 - 01:37 GMT

Back pain ;it is one of the most common problems all over the world which causes a lot of medical,mental,social,economic problems.



Many studies refer to a lot of people have back pain in their life almost about 90% and it costs more than 12  billions dollars per year indirect cost to control back pain problems and it is the sixth costly condition in the United States and it affects negatively on the productivity of the person.              

The back is complicated structure of bones,joints,ligaments,muscles,discs,nerves.Any injury to any part of these structures can result in back problems (direct cause).But on the other hand it may be due to indirect cause (internal organs)as kidney stones,gastric problems,autoimmune disorders,blood clots,loss of bone health due to poor nutrition,osteoporosis,obesity,vitamin D deficiency,poor posture and may be due to direct trauma.          


  Back pain varies from mild pain the patient can live with it to severe disability which causes inability to do daily living activities and it may reach to loss of control on urine and stool.



It can be only in the lower back or referred to the pelvis,upper thigh,lower leg ,toes and it may reach to weakness in the leg muscles and drop foot.        



One of the most contributing factors for back pain is life style as heavy sports,carrying heavy weights,sitting for long time,driving cars for long time.



So life style modifications is the first step to solve back pain and avoid further problems and treat the cause of back pain not only the symptoms to achieve real treatment.



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