Egypt says ongoing Israeli aggression on Gaza 'real stigma' on int’l community



Sun, 29 Sep 2024 - 02:27 GMT


Sun, 29 Sep 2024 - 02:27 GMT

Egypt's FM Badr Abdelatty delivers Egypt’s speech at the high-level General Debate of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA 79) on 28 September 2024 - Egypt's MFA

Egypt's FM Badr Abdelatty delivers Egypt’s speech at the high-level General Debate of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA 79) on 28 September 2024 - Egypt's MFA

CAIRO – 29 September 2024: Minister of Foreign Affairs Badr Abdelatty has condemned the ongoing Israeli aggression on Gaza for nearly a year and the aggression on the West Bank as “a real stigma” on the international community, as he delivered Egypt’s speech at the high-level General Debate of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA 79) on Saturday.

This continued aggression is “a real stigma on the forehead of the international community and its institutions, which are incapable of exerting the minimum effort and pressure to stop this aggression that has caused a complete humanitarian catastrophe in the Gaza Strip,” Abdelatty said.

He added that the international community even needed months to just start demanding an end to this aggression.

Abdelatty underlined the necessity to urgently achieve a ceasefire in Gaza and counter efforts aimed at undermining the Palestinian cause.

“Our top priority now is to immediately and unconditionally stop the bloodshed, deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza, and stand firmly against any attempt to resolve the Palestinian cause through forced displacement or demographic replacement policies.”

Egypt FM 2

Hindering mediation

Abdelatty said while Egypt has made intense mediation efforts to reach a ceasefire in Gaza in cooperation with Qatar and the United States, Israel obstructed these efforts for several months.

He reiterated that establishing a unified Palestinian state on the June 4, 1967 borders with its capital in East Jerusalem remains the only path to a just and comprehensive solution that restores stability to the region and the world.

Abdelatty strongly denounced the dangerous Israeli escalation, saying it drags the region to the brink of the abyss.

Egypt also rejects the current Israeli aggression against Lebanon, stressing that it constitutes a flagrant violation of its sovereignty, unity, territorial integrity and political independence.

GERD dilemma

Abdelatty also raised Egypt and Sudan’s dispute with Ethiopia around the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) before the UNGA, stressing that Egypt “will not turn a blind eye” on issues threatening its existence.

“Despite Egypt's sincere efforts, Ethiopia persisted in adopting a policy of procrastination and obstinacy, disregarding facts and attempting to impose a fait accompli by constructing and operating the Ethiopian Dam in violation of international law, regardless of its impact on the lives of millions in the downstream countries of Egypt and Sudan.”

He added that Ethiopia has continued unilateral actions in blatant violation of international law, particularly the Declaration of Principles agreement of 2015 and the Presidential Statement of the Security Council in 2021.

He added that Egypt had been involved in 13 years of fruitless negotiations, which concluded in December 2023 in light of the Ethiopian unilateral acts.

Egypt will continue to closely monitor the developments in the filling and operation of the Ethiopian Dam, Abdelatty said, affirming the preservation of all rights of Egypt guaranteed under the United Nations Charter to take all necessary measures to defend its interests and the well-being of its people.

He continued, "It is a mistake to think that Egypt will turn a blind eye or tolerate a threat to its existence."

Egypt FM

Supporting Somalia

Abdelatty reiterated Egypt’s call for international efforts to activate the new African peacekeeping mission in Somalia in line with the vision of the Somali people and government to preserve the nation’s security and stability.

He added that Egypt condemns all unilateral actions that undermine the unity and sovereignty of Somalia over its entire territory.

‘Uncrossable boundaries’

Abdelatty said Egypt will continue to bear its responsibility regarding the humanitarian response to the challenges affecting the region, highlighting the nation’s efforts to host 10 million refugees over the past years.

However, he affirmed the necessity that international community has a clear responsibility to provide full support to bridge the financial gaps and mobilize the necessary resources to meet the needs of humanitarian operations and refugees from conflict-affected countries.

“If the noble Egyptian people, under the leadership of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, continue to bear the brunt of support for our brothers in Arab and African countries, there are limits that cannot be exceeded in terms of what Egypt can bear.”

Egypt FM 3

Promoting human rights

Abdelatty stated that despite the challenges posed by successive global economic crises, exacerbated by the continuous increase in the number of incoming migrants, Egypt remains steadfast on the path of democracy and building the Egyptian individual.

“We proceed from the results of the National Dialogue to give priority to enhancing human rights, empowering youth and women, not to please an external party, but in response to the aspirations of the great Egyptian people.”

Egypt has also developed the first national action plan on the women, peace, and security agenda, he added.

Abdelatty stressed that Egypt will continue to work towards peacebuilding and promoting stability in the region and the world, drawing inspiration from a civilization deeply rooted in history and armed with the minds of promising youth capable of shaping the future.

“We call for upholding the sanctity of human life without discrimination based on color, gender, or religion, while being committed to the justice of the multilateral international system.”



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