Egyptian political leadership supports agricultural sector amid challenges



Thu, 04 Jul 2024 - 12:27 GMT


Thu, 04 Jul 2024 - 12:27 GMT

Land reclamation as part of Egypt's Future’ project for agricultural production- press photo

Land reclamation as part of Egypt's Future’ project for agricultural production- press photo

CAIRO - 4 July 2024: Egyptian agriculture enjoys significant support from political leadership due to its vital role as a cornerstone of the national economy. It is prioritized in structural reform phases for its accelerated growth rates, contributing over 15% to the GDP.


Agriculture serves as a primary income source, employing more than 25% of the workforce and boosting foreign currency reserves through increased agricultural exports.


Despite challenges, Egypt's agricultural sector has demonstrated resilience, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. While many nations struggled to secure food supplies, Egyptian agriculture remained flexible and robust, ensuring stability and meeting domestic demands.


Despite its strides, Egyptian agriculture faces challenges such as limited arable land availability, shrinking per capita land allocation (currently at 2 karats compared to previous periods), encroachment on agricultural lands by urban expansions and public utility projects, and water scarcity hindering agricultural expansion.


Egyptian agriculture, highly susceptible to climate change impacts, affects productivity, water consumption rates, and soil salinity. The government implements various measures to mitigate these risks amid rapid population growth, necessitating collective responsibility and strategic planning.


Global economic crises, compounded by regional conflicts and energy price hikes, have disrupted global food supply chains, affecting essential commodities' availability and increasing shipping costs and insurance premiums. Egypt, like other nations, navigates these challenges through proactive agricultural projects and visionary leadership.


Egypt's agricultural resurgence, supported by visionary political leadership and proactive initiatives, ensures sustainable food security and health for its population. This approach contrasts with challenges faced by larger, advanced economies, underlining Egypt's resilience in securing its food security amidst global economic uncertainties.




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