FM: Egypt keen to engage in mediation efforts, resolve disputes



Tue, 02 Jul 2024 - 12:43 GMT


Tue, 02 Jul 2024 - 12:43 GMT

Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry participated via video conference in the coordinating ministerial meeting of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC)- press phto

Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry participated via video conference in the coordinating ministerial meeting of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC)- press phto


CAIRO - 2 July 2024: Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry emphasized Egypt’s genuine commitment to mediation efforts, conflict resolution, and supporting stability and development.


He stated, “Egypt remains a peace-making nation, sincerely engaging in mediation and conflict resolution efforts, supporting stability and development through active participation in peacekeeping forces and training African personnel in various fields.


This contributes to strengthening national institutions within Egypt’s leadership in post-conflict reconstruction and development, and its chairmanship of the NEPAD Heads of State and Government Orientation Committee.”


This was articulated during Shoukry’s speech at the opening session of the fourth edition of the Aswan Forum for Sustainable Peace and Development in Cairo. Shoukry expressed his delight in inaugurating the forum, welcoming the attendees to Egypt, the land of peace and civilization, which witnessed the first peace treaty in history.


Shoukry remarked, “This year’s forum convenes at a critical time when the world and the African continent face significant challenges amid geopolitical tensions, global economic challenges, and unprecedented escalation in wars and conflicts, such as in Gaza and Sudan. This situation compels African nations to adopt a comprehensive vision to address peace, security, and development challenges.”


The forum’s convening extends Egypt’s efforts in defending African interests, marking the celebration of hosting the first Organization of African Unity summit in 1964. Shoukry highlighted numerous milestones reflecting Egypt’s commitment to supporting African countries in gaining independence.


Shoukry noted that the Aswan Forum, launched during Egypt’s presidency of the African Union in 2016, has established itself over the years as a leading platform addressing complex challenges facing Africa. It contributes to forming shared visions to tackle these challenges, particularly through conflict prevention, peacebuilding, and linking peace with sustainable development.


In his opening speech, attended by prominent figures including Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary-General of the Arab League, and Moussa Faki Mahamat, Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Shoukry emphasized Egypt’s commitment to effectively contributing to crisis prevention and resolution across Africa through its membership in the African Union’s Peace and Security Council.


Egypt also intensifies efforts to implement the Silencing the Guns initiative and empower the continent to address the root causes of conflicts and combat terrorism.


Shoukry highlighted Egypt’s dedication to enhancing the African Union’s operational mechanisms to ensure their effectiveness. He underscored Egypt’s ongoing efforts to find solutions to other challenges facing the African continent, particularly those related to climate change impacts. This follows Egypt’s leadership during the COP27 climate conference in Sharm El-Sheikh, which resulted in a historic agreement to establish a loss and damage fund and launch the Climate Responses for Sustaining Peace initiative.


Shoukry asserted that the international community remains incapable of effectively addressing unprecedented current challenges, with some exhibiting double standards, revealing glaring flaws in the current international system. He stressed the urgent need for reshaping this system.


The upcoming fourth edition of the Aswan Forum, coinciding with the upcoming Future Summit in September in New York, offers a crucial opportunity to explore ways to develop a new international system more adaptable to evolving global peace and security challenges.


Marking the 20th anniversary of the African Peace and Security Council, Shoukry called for assessing achievements in maintaining peace and security in Africa and deliberating on enhancing the council’s operations to achieve the primary goal of silencing the guns by 2030.


He emphasized Egypt’s commitment to amplifying Africa’s voice and advocating for its issues on the international stage, with the Aswan Forum providing a vital platform for preparing for the Future Summit and advancing African interests in various international forums.


Shoukry concluded that the forum’s agenda reflects the priority given to fostering integrated solutions for peace, security, and development through partnerships that offer mutual benefits. This includes supporting peace, reviewing the UN peacebuilding architecture, contributing to forming a unified African stance on climate, peace, and development agendas, and emphasizing the role of trade and investment in achieving peace and development in post-conflict Africa. The forum also highlights the role of African youth in building resilience and addressing challenges, as well as the contributions of African women in facing these challenges.




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