Egypt backs Sudanese-led solution



Tue, 02 Jul 2024 - 11:26 GMT


Tue, 02 Jul 2024 - 11:26 GMT

Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry handed over the presidency of the UN Climate Change Conference to COP28 President-designate Sultan Al-Jaber on Thursday.

Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry handed over the presidency of the UN Climate Change Conference to COP28 President-designate Sultan Al-Jaber on Thursday.

CAIRO - 2 July 2024: Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry outlined Egypt's ongoing efforts to halt the war in Sudan. Speaking at the fourth edition of the Aswan Forum for Sustainable Peace and Development, held in Cairo over two days under the theme "Africa in a Changing World... Reimagining Global Governance for Peace and Development," Shoukry emphasized that any genuine political solution in Sudan must originate from the Sudanese themselves, free from external impositions or pressures, and in consultation with relevant international and regional institutions.


He stressed the importance of addressing the crisis at its roots through a comprehensive political solution to safeguard the interests of the Sudanese people and ensure the stability of the region as a whole.


The opening session featured African Union Commission Chairperson Moussa Faki, Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit, and a host of African ministers, high-level delegations from the African Union and the United Nations, representatives of key regional and international organizations concerned with peace and security, as well as numerous senior Egyptian, regional, and international figures, development partners, intellectuals, journalists, and media personalities.


Ambassador Ahmed Abu Zeid, the official spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Director of Public Diplomacy, stated that Shoukry, in his opening remarks, highlighted the forum, which has been held under the patronage of President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi since its inception in 2019 during Egypt's presidency of the African Union.


Over successive editions, the forum has established itself as a leading platform addressing the complex threats facing the African continent and contributing to the development of shared visions for addressing these challenges, particularly through supporting efforts to prevent conflicts, build peace, and strengthen the link between peace and sustainable development.


It also promotes the value of partnerships based on principles such as national ownership, sovereignty, and mutual benefit.


Ambassador Abu Zeid added that the Foreign Minister noted that this year's forum comes at a critical time when the region and the world are experiencing unprecedented challenges, including the exacerbation of wars, conflicts, and large-scale humanitarian crises.


This necessitates African countries adopting a comprehensive vision to confront the challenges of peace, security, and development. The timing of the fourth edition of the forum coincides with the upcoming "Summit of the Future" in September in New York, an important occasion to reconsider ways to shape a new international system better adapted to the escalating challenges of peace and security that affect development progress.


The fourth edition also coincides with the twentieth anniversary of the establishment of the African Peace and Security Council, adding to its significance.


Shoukry also mentioned in his speech that the fourth edition of the forum will witness the launch of initiatives that enhance African ownership of peace and security efforts, including the establishment of a new African network to prevent extremism leading to terrorism, which will bring together centers working in this field to enhance cooperation among them.


He also announced the "Aswan Forum" award for reconstruction and development, which will be presented for the first time to a promising African model in recognition of its efforts in building peace on the continent, as part of President Sisi's leadership of the post-conflict reconstruction and development file within the African Union.


Additionally, the Foreign Ministry spokesman mentioned that Shoukry participated in the first thematic session of the forum titled "Diverging Worlds... Connecting Peace, Security, and Development in a Fragmented World." The session, which included Moussa Faki, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Munich Security Conference Chairman Christoph Heusgen, and was moderated by International Crisis Group President Dr. Comfort Ero, provided an opportunity for an in-depth political dialogue on the current international landscape characterized by ambiguity, uncertainty, geopolitical tensions, polarization, and double standards, and ways to address the shortcomings of global governance frameworks in confronting the challenges facing the region and the world.



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