Health ministry in Gaza says war death toll at 36479



Mon, 03 Jun 2024 - 12:57 GMT


Mon, 03 Jun 2024 - 12:57 GMT

Egypt continued participating in dropping tons of aid on the Gaza Strip- photo from the Egyptian Ministry of Defense

Egypt continued participating in dropping tons of aid on the Gaza Strip- photo from the Egyptian Ministry of Defense

CAIRO - 3 June: The Palestinian Ministry of Health announced a significant increase in the death toll from the ongoing Israeli aggression on Gaza. Since October 7, the number of martyrs has reached 36,479, with 82,777 injured, according to a breaking news report from "al-Qahera News."


Since October 7, Israeli forces have continued their aggression on Gaza by land, sea, and air. Thousands of victims remain trapped under rubble and on the streets, as Israeli forces prevent ambulance and civil defense teams from reaching them.


The relentless assault has left countless individuals buried under debris, with rescue operations severely hindered by Israeli restrictions on medical and emergency response teams.


The staggering figures highlight the urgent need for international intervention to facilitate humanitarian assistance and ensure the safety and well-being of Gaza's civilians.


The civilian population in the occupied Palestinian territories, including Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem, is experiencing severe violations of international humanitarian law by Israeli forces. According to various reports, there have been:




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