Attempts to question Egypt’s role may push it to withdraw from Gaza war mediation, Diaa Rashwan



Wed, 22 May 2024 - 08:10 GMT


Wed, 22 May 2024 - 08:10 GMT

CAIRO – 22 May 2024: Egypt’s head of the State Information Service [SIS] Diaa Rashwan said that attempts to question Egypt’s mediation role may push it to withdraw from the current mediation process, al Qahera news channel reported

Rashwan pointed out that attempts to cast doubt or insult Egypt’s role will only lead to further complicating the situation in the Gaza Strip and the entire region.

Rashwan stressed that CNN's allegations violate all facts and professional rules. “We contacted the management of the CNN website outside Egypt and sent our response to them, and within a short time the website published our notes.” He added

“We sent a long response that includes several notes, but the website pointed them out,” Rashwan said.

He added that the Egyptian response included that the story was not relying on specific sources, especially in such major situations, and talking about Egypt’s position in the negotiations or attributing it to American or Israeli sources. This is something Egypt completely rejects.” Rashwan said

Rashwan described CNN’s allegations as ‘false and devoid of any information or facts’

Rashwan expressed Egypt's astonishment at the attempts of some parties to insult the enormous efforts it has made - and is still making - over the past months to reach a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and prevent the killing and wounding of hundreds of innocent civilians daily and the systematic destruction of all aspects of life in the Gaza Strip.

Rashwan explained that Egypt has noticed during recent periods that certain parties are ‘playing a game of constantly accusing the mediators’, - Qatar and Egypt- and accusing them of siding with one of the parties and blaming them, to procrastinate and evade making decisive decisions regarding the ceasefire deal.

Rashwan stressed that Egypt's mediation role in the ceasefire deal and the liberation of hostages in the Gaza Strip was based on repeated demands and insistence from Israel and the United States to play this role, which came as a result of their awareness of the extent of Egyptian experience and professionalism in managing such negotiations, especially since Egypt has experienced multiple successful precedents, between Israel and Hamas.

Rashwan explained that the lies being promoted about the Egyptian role cannot be read as anything other than an attempt to punish Egypt for its firm, principled positions towards the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people while it plays a mediation role.

Rashwan also held the concerned parties, especially those who spread lies about the Egyptian position, fully responsible for the unprecedented humanitarian disasters and the war of extermination in the Gaza Strip, the killing and wounding of thousands of innocent Palestinians, their displacement and starvation, and the destruction of everything in the Strip, in addition to the loss of the lives of Israeli detainees as a result of the aggressive Israeli military operation.

SIS head Diaa Rashwn said that Egypt has the means to preserve its national security. “The state is exercising its national duty without paying attention to those who lie or criticize it,” he added

Rshwan noted that Egypt has taken a strong position against the displacement of Palestinians. “Reality belies the Israeli claims. Egypt’s efforts are obvious to everyone,” the SIS head said.

Egypt’s head of the State Information Service confirmed that the Rafah crossing was never closed from the Egyptian side and that Israel is the one banning the entry of aid into Gaza. “Egypt requires the presence of a Palestinian party to receive aid on the Palestinian side of the Rafah crossing,” Rashwan stressed

He noted that Egypt's positions regarding Palestine are ‘historical’ and that Egypt paid heavy prices in defending it.






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