87% increase in land reclamation in 1 year



Mon, 10 Jul 2023 - 11:04 GMT


Mon, 10 Jul 2023 - 11:04 GMT

Sisi inspecting cultivated land - FILE

Sisi inspecting cultivated land - FILE

CAIRO - 10 July 2023: The latest yearly report by the Land Reclamation department of the Ministry of Agriculture shows significant advances in the 1.5 million feddan  ationak project.


The report, released Monday, shows that the total area of reclaimed land reached 163,200 feddans in 2021/2022, compared to 87,100 feddans in 2020/2021, with an increase of 87.3%. This is owed to the increase in the area of land reclaimed by the private sector.


The land area belonging to the private sector reached 133,000 ( 81.4%), followed by land reclaimed by associations at 25,400 feddans, (15.5%). The General Authority for Agricultural Reconstruction and Development reclaimed an area of 5,000 feddans (3.1%) of the total area of reclaimed land in 2021/2022.


The cultivated area of the one and a half million acres project amounted to 136,500 feddans in 2021/2022, compared to 140,000 feddans in 2020/2021, with a decrease of 2.2% from the previous year.


The reclaimed area reached 537,100 feddans, where Matrouh Governorate ranked first with 198,100 feddans at a rate of 36.9%. 


It is followed by Minya Governorate with an area of 175,600 feddans at a rate of 32.7%, then the New Valley Governorate with an area of 17,600 feddans at a rate of 3.3%. Aswan ranks fourth with an area of 55,000 feddans at a rate of 10.2%.


The area on which livestock projects (dairy production, fattening, and sheep breeding) are built on reclaimed lands reached 154 feddans in 2021/2022, compared to 136 acres in 2020/2021, with an increase of 13.2%.



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