Tuna el-Gebel
A small royal statue of a sphinx was uncovered in Tuna El-Gebel archaeological area in Minya governorate, Upper Egypt, on Saturday, December 14.
This discovery is the first work of the School of Excavations in its first season. Al-Hafayr School was established in Central Egypt.
The Egyptian Museum in Tahrir will organize an exhibition of artifacts from the discovery of the Tuna el-Gebel region in Al Minya.
The Tourism Promotion Bureau in Tuna El-Gebel has announced the reception of a multi-national tourist delegation from the United States, Korea and Swaziland.
The Upper Egypt village of Tuna el Gebel in Minya received on Monday 62 tourists of different nationalities.
The restoration of the Isadora cemetery in Tuna el-Gebel village has been completed, said Ghareeb Sinbel, head of the Central Department of Antiquities maintenance
The sterilization of mummies discovered in Tuna el-Gebel area in Minya governorate has been completed
Tuna el-Gebel village is famous for having many archaeological tombs, which contributed greatly to the revival of archaeological and touristic life.
A new archeological discovery of a Greco-Roman mass grave in Tuna el-Gebel area in Upper Egypt’s Minya governorate will be announced Saturday.
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