Marwan said that 133 states responded to the report, noting that the states who gave a negative response used sharp terms, including "abuses" and "torture".
This echos earlier reports saying that diplomatic responses to Egypt’s interactive dialogue on its human rights situation have reportedly thus far been positive at the UPR.
Abu Bakr referred to the fact that Egyptian women hold eight ministerial portfolios, representing around 25 percent of the Council of Ministers.
Concerning the remarks of some countries on the human rights situation in Egypt, Fayek said that some of the comments were positive.
Egypt has registered 250,000 refugees from 55 different nationalities
Head of Egypt's delegation Omar Marwan to its 3rd Universal Periodic Review session gave a speech on Wednesday regarding Egypt's record of human rights in light of its response to previous session's recommendations and obligations, at the Geneva-based UN
Diplomatic responses to Egypt’s interactive dialogue on its human rights situation have reportedly thus far been positive at the Universal Periodic Review.
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