In remarks to Egypt’s TeN TV channel, Lavrov said Palestine will be able to enhance its political stance regarding its dialogue with Israel in case factions could unify their ranks.
Commander of Libya National Army General Khalifa Haftar has thanked Russian President Vladimir Putin for his efforts to end fighting in the war-torn country
Russia's President Vladimir Putin will be participating in the conference on a peaceful settlement in Libya, to take place in Germany's capital, Berlin, on Sunday
The Kremlin said that Turkey’s military operation in northeast Syria should not to damage the political process in the country.
The Kremlin denied on Tuesday that political protests in Moscow in recent weeks have created a political crisis in Russia in its first comments on the rallies.
Work continued on a possible meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Donald Trump on the sidelines of a G20 meeting this week.
The US administration has been recently making "nods" toward mending ties with Russia, but Moscow would like Washington to substantiate this with some practical steps.
Visits to the Black Sea by U.S. warships have nothing to do with U.S. security and are motivated by domestic politics, said Russian senator Alexei Pushkov.
The Kremlin said on Wednesday Russia was pressing ahead with a contract to deliver advanced S-400 missile air defence systems to Turkey.
A defiant Vladimir Putin on Wednesday threatened to develop nuclear missiles banned under a treaty with the United States.
Russia halts release of Hollywood movie that shows Kremlin coup.
Russia and the United States have discussed the possibility of President Vladimir Putin visiting Washington next year.
U.S. President Donald Trump and Russia's Vladimir Putin plan to meet in Paris next month.
Sisi and Putin signed a memorandum pertinent to the Comprehensive Partnership and Strategic Cooperation Agreement.
The Kremlin said that it approved of agreements reached by North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in at a summit in Pyongyang.
Two men accused by London of poisoning former Moscow spy Sergei Skripal denied being involved with the murder attempt in a bizarre Russian media interview.
US President Donald Trump on Wednesday delayed a second summit with Russia's Vladimir Putin.
The Kremlin said Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed joint humanitarian efforts in Syria, particular in the eastern Ghouta province.
The World Cup final between France and Croatia was briefly interrupted when three intruders affiliated to anti-Kremlin punk band Pussy Riot.
The World Cup final between France and Croatia in Moscow was briefly interrupted when three intruders affiliated to anti-Kremlin punk band Pussy Riot ran onto the pitch before being hauled off by stewards.