Member of the Presidential Pardon Committee Kamal Abou Eita stated in a phone-in Monday that a large number of prisoners would be released in a few days.
The preparation of that list comes on the occasion of Sinai Liberation Day, which is April 25.
After listening to her complaint, the judge ordered that the Ministry of Education has to pay the little girl LE 3,000 in moral compensation. The judge also said his verdict is unchallengeable.
The Ministry of Interior issued a press statement on Saturday clarifying the achievements of each department in breaking cases, and detecting violations.
He will be detained for further 15 days pending investigation.
The prosecution called upon the judiciary panel while reciting the arraignment in the trial session to issue a ruling of the maximum penalty stated in the law.
The Cassation court upheld death sentence against 6 elements over " Matay police station case".
The Jordan brand now generates $3.1 billion of annual revenue for Nike, which is based in Beaverton, Oregon.