Egypt’s Government
The Cabinet Media Center has denied ad groundless reports attributed to the Ministry of Social Solidarity and circulated on social media that the government will grant every citizen financial aid worth LE 8,500.
Egypt’s government, expected to hold on Sunday an international press conference to announce the state's vision to deal with the current global economic crisis, as well as plans and efforts to attract foreign investments.
Egypt’s government denied, Monday increasing passenger fares for mass transit as a result of increasing fuel prices that was increased by 25 piasters on Friday.
Egypt’s Government denied, Monday raising the fuel prices after amending the cost of fuel used in constructing and refurbishing public roads.
Egypt’s government is planning on issuing a law criminalizing child marriage, as well as stiffening the penalty for girls’ early marriage, to include everyone involved in the crime as the father or the girls’ guardian.
Egypt’s government decided to fine the violators of Sham el Nessim and Easter holiday’s precautionary measures with LE 4,000.
Egypt’s government announced its full commitment to announce the results of the British couple death’s investigation.
Egypt’s government has apologized from the consequences of the heavy rain that flooded the country’s governorates and streets during the past couple of days.
"Egypt’s human rights report issued by the ministry included both negative and positive aspects," said Minister of Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Omar Marwan.