CAIRO - 20 January 2020: Chocolate contains many important nutrients such as protein, sodium, potassium and others that the body needs. It also cleans,hydrates and treats the skin of common problems like acne.
et will review some natural chocolate recipes to moisturize the skin from style craze website
Chocolate face mask for acne
Chocolate and honey contain antioxidants that help get rid of bacteria that cause acne, and work to moisturize the skin.
Mix one tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa powder, a small amount of cinnamon and one tablespoon of honey to create firm dough. Apply the mixture on the face and neck for 20-30 minutes; then wash the face.Repeat twice a week.
Dark chocolate recipe for the freshness of the skin
Dark chocolate helps maintain the freshness and vitality of the skin.
Dissolve two pieces of dark chocolate. Add a cup of milk, one teaspoon of sea salt, three tablespoons of brown sugar over low heat. Put the mixture on the face and neck and leave for 15-20 minutes and then wash the face with water.Apply twice a week.
Facial mask with chocolate and mud
Lemon juice and yogurt help tighten the pores, moisturize the skin and maintain its vitality and youth.Cocoa powder,with its high content of antioxidants, in addition to coconut oil and clay help to renew the skin.
Mix ¼ cup of cocoa powder, two tablespoons of clay clay, two tablespoons of plain yogurt, one teaspoon of lemon juice and one teaspoon of coconut oil; then put the mixture on the face and neck for a period of 15-20 minutes.Wash the face with water Cold, and apply the mixture twice a week.
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