CAIRO - 7 May 2019: Having a dry mouth due to dehydration during the holy month of Ramadan causes bad breath. Most Muslims feel embarrassed due to the bad breath resulting from the lack of water, food or any breath freshener during the long fasting hours.
Bad breath in Ramadan is a social menace. Many people have experienced it either themselves or from others. It affects productivity and self-confidence and it also affects others. The fasting person may feel embarrassed at times because of the bad breath resulting from the length of fasting, and the lack of water and food during the fasting hours.
The good news is that taking care of oral hygiene to the best we can help you overcome this issue and enjoy a smell free Ramadan. We present the following tips that together can contribute to eliminating bad breath whilst fasting during this holey month.
You can easily beat this problem throughout the 30 days of Ramadan if you follow those steps:
1- Wash your mouth well after Suhur (the meal Muslims eat before dawn to help them fast).
2- Use a floss to remove all the food remnants that cause bad breath; brushing alone only cleans about 60 percent of the tooth's surface.
3- Brush the tongue.
4- Use a menthol gum before sleeping.
5- Gargle using rose water.
6- Don’t consume too much dairy products at Suhur.
7- Quit smoking.
8- Eat healthy, balanced diet and avoid eating strongly flavored or spicy food.
9- Cut down on sugary food and drinks as it can increase the amount of bacteria in your mouth.
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