The tips help distracting children from food - Pixabay
CAIRO – 6 June 2017: Children may find fasting for the first time difficult and exhausting. However, there are some tips that parents can follow in order to make fasting easier for them to bear. There are some activities that can help distract children from hunger.
The first activity is dedicating one hour to reading. The second is drawing and coloring for another hour. That would require parents to provide their children with the necessary tools along with some games like puzzles.
The third is encouraging children to read the Quran and to do each prayer on time. Those acts can be shared by parents to motivate children to continue. The fourth is asking children to tidy their room by putting their toys and personal objects in the right place, which can boost their sense of responsibility.
Finally, it is very useful for children to do some simple exercises at home to avoid feeling lazy when fasting.
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