A trend has been circulating on social media recently called "We Listen, We Don't Judge." It allows people to share their thoughts and opinions on various topics, ranging from movies and shows to real-life experiences and life lessons.
We decided to participate in this trend but will focus specifically on young adults as they navigate through life.
It’s Perfectly Fine if You Can’t Figure Everything Out Right Away
As we transition into adulthood, we often assume that we will have a firm grasp on our aspirations—both professionally and personally. Yet, the reality can be quite different. Life throws a series of unexpected challenges, whether career shifts, personal relationships, or unforeseen circumstances that can derail our plans. It’s important to recognize that feeling uncertain or lacking a clear direction is not only common but perfectly acceptable. You don’t need to have every aspect of your life mapped out; the journey itself is filled with twists and turns that can lead to new opportunities and self-discovery.
There’s no need to rush things, what it’s meant to be, will be, so try to relax and enjoy life’s unexpected waves.
Wanting to Be in a Relationship is Normal; It Doesn’t Mean You’re Desperate
We all get mixed messages about how we should be living our lives, some relish being single and others want to be in a relationship.
Sometimes, people are afraid to express their desire for a relationship because they are afraid to sound desperate, there's no shame in wanting to have a stable and meaningful relationship.
No one should be shamed for what he or she wants when it comes to relationships if you choose to be single or want to mingle, that’s fine and you shouldn’t be judged for any of these decisions.
Changing Careers Can Be a Big Step, but Taking That Leap is Okay, Even if It Feels Risky
Sometimes we have a good job but our hearts are not into it, so we end up searching for something we are passionate about but we get cold feet because we don't want to risk losing stability and we are simply giving up. Sometimes, taking a leap of faith, no matter how risky it is, can be rewarding.
If you look at innovators and visionaries, some of them start very late in their lives, from Stephen King to Vera Wang, they all started late, so it’s ok to take risks sometimes.
Having Breakdowns Happens to Everyone, and It’s Not a Sign of Weakness.
We are often encouraged to be strong and resilient in the face of challenges, but it’s important to recognize that feeling frustrated, exhausted, and worn out is completely normal. It’s okay to take a step back and allow yourself to unwind. Breakdowns are not signs of weakness; rather, they can be vital moments that signal the need for self-care and rest.
When someone close to you experiences a breakdown, you likely empathize with them and understand that they need time to recharge. So, why not offer yourself the same compassion? Embracing your own needs can lead to greater strength and resilience in the long run.
If the Whole "You Only Live Once" (Yolo) Mindset Isn’t Your Style, That’s Cool!
We often hear the message that we are young and should seize the day. This creates a sense of fear of missing out (FOMO), leading us to engage in activities we may not truly want to do. When we choose to stay inside and relax instead of exploring new adventures, we sometimes feel a bit of shame. However, it's perfectly fine to miss a few events or cancel plans for concerts or gatherings if you’re not feeling up to it. It's important to prioritize your feelings and needs.
Not Everyone Has That Perfect Work-Life Balance, and That’s Okay Too.
We thought that by the time we had jobs, we would instantly nail the whole "Work-life" balance thing, but not all of us can manage even to balance work, let alone personal life. So it's ok to feel like things are blurry, just remember it's temporary.
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