In A World Filled With Cynicism and Pessimism , Be An Optimist



Sun, 13 Oct 2024 - 12:22 GMT


Sun, 13 Oct 2024 - 12:22 GMT

Everyone experiences letdowns and disappointments differently, and each one’s defense mechanism to the constant world changes varies from acceptance, rage, or apathy, however, the most frequent reaction to anything going south is to simply be as pessimistic as possible. 
We are so desensitized to reacting normally to what upsets us and disappointments that it leads to becoming a cynicist. We became immune to looking at the bright side of things or taking joy in the mundane yet beautiful things that happen in our lives. Yes, the world has its ugly sides, leading you to think that there’s not much to do to change the outcome and just accept the inevitable, to stay silent, suffer, and be as pessimistic and cynical as you can be. 
This way of living can be determinantal to your mental being, to only be consumed by anger, loathing, and cynicism lets you not live life to the fullest, allowing you to not adapt to harsh circumstances and projecting negative energy to everyone who shows any ounce of happiness. Yes, the world isn’t as bright as we imagined it to be when we were young, but diving deep into negativity will not make us stronger or wiser, it will make us in a way cowards, afraid to try something new because we don’t want to deal with another failed attempt. So is there a way to overcome this? How can you be an optimist or at least a realist? Someone who can accept that things won’t be the way we want them to be and there’s nothing wrong with that? Well, I’m no therapist or life coach, but what I can tell you is that there are small steps you can take to improve your outlook on life.
Check Your Circle and Environment 
Whether we like it or not, our group of friends, family members, and people around us contribute to our well-being, and their way of thinking and opinions shape our perspectives whether directly or indirectly, so if you feel pessimistic about life in general, try to look into your circle of friends to see if this energy comes from them or this is something innate in you that you cannot help but to unleash. If one of the reasons why you’re constantly cynical and negative comes from your acquaintances, then maybe it's time to interact with them less. Not suggesting cutting them off completely, just because they are going through something and are projecting negative thoughts toward you, it doesn’t mean you should participate in these types of behavior. 
If the negativity comes from you, then you should…
Ask Yourself What Triggers You To Be a Negative Person
One of the most difficult things we face as people when it comes to problem-solving is actually admitting where things went wrong. Sometimes we hide our heads in the sand and refuse to acknowledge what’s in our minds. If you find yourself just spitting cynicism and pessimism, maybe you should look into your life and pinpoint what makes you feel like that. What incident led you to not enjoy life or at least think about having fun and settling for hiding in a shell?
Confide to a Therapist or Close Friend
After an intense soul-searching for the truth behind your attitude, it’s best to tell what you feel and seek help from a professional or ask a friend to assist you in breaking this cycle of cynicism. You don’t need to make a drastic decision all of a sudden, take steps and small actions to learn how to enhance your view of life. 
Take Time Off and Do What You Love
Another factor to you being this negative person comes from constant stress and anxiety, whether it’s about work or family matters, your brain doesn’t shut down and stop thinking, so what better way to feel better than to take some time off? 
Take some time off work to travel, or do whatever you used to enjoy, it could be singing in the shower, or dancing awkwardly with friends, whatever makes you feel good, do it without hesitation and leave all the worries behind. 
Remember that Setbacks are Only Temporary
Even if you have been having a whirlwind of a year, keep in mind that these situations will not be permanent. Everyone has tough patches that can extend to a long period of time, so don’t feel like the universe is holding you back and having a vendetta against you. 
Write The Good Things That Has Happened, No Matter How Tiny They Are
Remind yourself of the good things that have happened to you during the day, even if the day was terrible. 
Remember that you had a good coffee, or you were looking good, write about that delicious food you’ve had for lunch, that song that you kept listening to on repeat that made you feel good. 
No matter how tiny these accomplishments are, they matter because they can show you that despite a bad day, there is a silver lining worthy of mentioning. 
Give Yourself Credit For Making It 
Be your own hypeman. Give yourself credit for doing the tiniest things.
For instance, congratulate yourself for waking up early and showing up on time. Be proud of yourself for doing your best. Reward yourself for spreading positivity in the face of the negativity inside your mind. 
Plan for the Future
Just because you didn’t get to accomplish what you wanted in the present, doesn’t mean you won’t do anything for the future. 
Don’t allow yourself to be a victim of setbacks and see the future as a way for change.



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