Why Forgiveness is A Healing Medicine for the Soul



Mon, 30 Sep 2024 - 12:57 GMT


Mon, 30 Sep 2024 - 12:57 GMT

“If we really want to love we must learn how to forgive” -Mother Theresa. 
Forgiveness is often described as one of the most challenging yet liberating acts of love. It relieves troubled souls and brings overall inner peace. Without forgiveness, we would pile grudges, one on top of another, till we unconsciously create a defensive wall that shields us from genuine connections and true happiness.
That’s where forgiveness comes in, a practice that when done regularly, can be truly liberating and transformative. So, here’s why you should embrace it more often and make it a cornerstone of your emotional well-being.
It Releases Emotional Baggage 
When we hold onto constant resentment, anger, and grudges it affects us deeply without even knowing, it creates an emotional baggage that is hard to carry and deal with. By forgiving those around us, we learn how to release this burden and let go of any painful events that have weighed us down in the past.
It Reminds Us That We All Make Mistakes
One of the many reasons why you should forgive more is to remember that one remaining fact: we’re all humans and we are all prone to making mistakes. It’s everyone's first time living, whether it’s your family, friends, or partners and we’re all navigating life our way. With this in mind, we can help foster a sense of empathy which will help us put ourselves in their shoes one day.
Empowers Personal Growth
Forgiveness certainly helps us grow into better people over time. It helps us develop empathy, compassion, and the ability to understand situations from someone else’s rearview. We break free and finally let go completely from the hurt and allow ourselves to heal, becoming stronger and more resilient.
You Get Out of the Victim Mode
One of the most powerful aspects of forgiveness is that it frees you from the victim mindset. Instead of dwelling on thoughts like “How did that happen to me?” or “What did I do to deserve this”, you move forward with your life, and you get into the process of accepting the fact that what happened was certainly for a purpose.



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