Is It a Rebound? 4 Signs to Help You Decide



Sun, 22 Sep 2024 - 01:26 GMT


Sun, 22 Sep 2024 - 01:26 GMT

Getting fresh out of a love relationship, regardless of the reasons why, can be daunting and overwhelming. You feel a rollercoaster of emotions and you may find it hard to move on, and sometimes people tend to choose the wrong paths to move on and one of the most common ones are rebound relationships.
Jumping from one partner to another in a short span of time will spread nothing but toxicity, whether to you or your partner. So here are some surefire signs that indicate you're in a rebound relationship.
You’re Not Over Your Ex
You can trick yourself and others, but deep down you know that this whole relationship is just a distraction from the heartbreak you're running from. You unconsciously compare your current partner to your ex. If your ex constantly pops into your mind, giving your new partner the emotional space they deserve will be hard.
You’re Moving Too Fast
This sign is clear as day and it’s the first of them all. You’ve barely known each other, but you’re already spending every day together, making plans, and sharing deep yet unrealistic emotions. Every relationship should move steadily, so if you feel that you’re taking things way too fast, it is definitely a rebound relationship.
You Fear Commitment
Yes you may like your partner and you love spending time together, but you can’t imagine spending the rest of your life with them. You don't see them as a part of your future, and you’re even struggling to commit to normal plans with them.
You Don’t Feel Happy
You experience a sense of emptiness, even when things seem to be going well. Maybe your partner is kind, attentive, and says all the right things, but something still feels off. You can’t shake the feeling that something important is missing. You simply can’t feel connected to them, so it could be a sign that you're not  truly invested in this relationship. 



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