How to Help Someone with Suicidal Thoughts



Tue, 10 Sep 2024 - 05:11 GMT


Tue, 10 Sep 2024 - 05:11 GMT

When someone you care about is struggling with suicidal thoughts, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed with worry and helplessness, unsure of how to help. You might worry that no matter what you do, it won’t be enough. But believe us your support can make a huge difference, even when you feel you are doing the bare minimum.
Since today is World Suicide Prevention Day, it’s the perfect opportunity to touch on this sensitive yet crucial topic. Whether it’s your friend, family member or a loved one here are all the best ways you can offer the support they need.
Listen Without Judgement
To give the right support and care for those who are dealing with suicidal tendencies, you need to create a safe space for them. Listen to them and express your care and concern. They trusted you enough to share their thoughts so make sure you don't judge them in any way, let them know that you’re here to listen, not to criticize or jump to conclusions. Also, don't try to offer solutions to every problem they tell you, but rather listen and understand their point of view.
Offer Reassurance
One of the ways that you can help them is to assure them that you'll be there for them whenever they need you to support them and be present in every chance you can get. It’s also important to gently encourage your loved ones to seek professional help. Let them know that talking to a therapist, or counselor can provide them with the right support to get through this.
Ask Directly About Their Feelings
While it can feel a bit scary to ask someone about their feelings, especially if they are thinking of suicide, asking them clearly about their thoughts doesn’t put the idea in their head, it actually shows you care and are taking their feelings seriously and you understand the gravity of the situation. It can also help them to open up more without hesitation.
And lastly remember, you don’t have to have all the answers. Being there for them is a powerful way to show you care. If you or anyone close to you needs professional help, the Ministry of Health has dedicated special hotlines to provide support for anyone in need (08008880700 - 0220816831 – 163280).



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