How to Deal with a Gossiper: Tips for Handling Unwanted Drama



Wed, 14 Aug 2024 - 01:36 GMT


Wed, 14 Aug 2024 - 01:36 GMT

We’ve all been involved in gossip somehow whether you were the speaker, the listener, or the non-present third party. Truth be told, gossip can pique our interest and curiosity, but when it reaches a point where we reveal the secrets of other people and jeopardize their privacy, it's time to stop.
What’s even worse is the amount of drama you get sucked into just because you heard some rumors here and there, it gets exhausting over time and you don't need that type of energy in your life. So, here are some tips on how to deal with gossipers and keep the conversation drama-free.
Change the Subject Smoothly
This can get a little tricky, but when your friend starts spilling the tea about a specific person then steer the conversation in a different direction, and change the subject smoothly to avoid talking about the person in their absence. This will give off subtle signs that you are not interested in those types of conversations.
Stay Neutral
When someone starts gossiping, it’s easy to get caught up in the story and pick a side. However, when you agree to one side of the story, then you're dragging yourself too to the drama and you’re slowly becoming a part of it. Don't take any sides, and listen without agreeing or disagreeing.
Set Firm Boundaries
No matter how close a person is to you, setting clear boundaries is necessary if they gossip non-stop.  Inform them respectfully that you don't want to take part in these certain topics and you’re not even interested in them. This will limit their gossiping but in a respectful way.
Be Honest
Let your friend know how you feel about the constant gossiping in a kind but straightforward way. You could say something like, “Hey, I’ve noticed we end up talking about other people a lot. Maybe we can focus on more positive stuff instead?” Keep it light, but clear for them to understand your point of view.



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