4 Ways to Cope With a Friendship Breakup



Wed, 03 Jul 2024 - 05:05 GMT


Wed, 03 Jul 2024 - 05:05 GMT

Friendships are considered to be the most fulfilling and meaningful relationships we experience in our lives. They bring us comfort, joy, and support. However, it's a sad but well-known fact that some things in life have to come to an end, and like romantic relationships, friendships can sometimes come to an end and can hurt even more than normal breakups.
Coping with the loss of your best friend can be challenging, so here is a guide on how to cope with it to surpass this difficult time.
1. Embrace all emotions
Even if they were the ones who let you down, that doesn't mean that you should not grieve it, you just broke up with your best friend, someone you considered family so it is totally reasonable to feel sadness and betrayal, it truly takes a huge emotional toll on anyone when experiencing a friendship breakup. Allow yourself to feel all emotions without shame.
2. Practice self-care
Now don't sit there crying all day! Remember to take care of yourself at all times. Engage in your favorite activities. From watching your favorite movie, taking yourself out for a shopping spree, to working out and meditating, and many more. These activities will surely make you feel better about the situation
3. Reflect on the situation
The whole situation ended, so now it is time to reflect on your own actions and to learn from any past mistakes you've made in the friendship. Sometimes, you may be at fault without even knowing so take accountability for your actions, this will help with your self-growth journey and encourage you to build better friendships later on.
4. Seek support
Surround yourself with your friends and close ones, talk it out with them, and rant all you want. They may see the situation from a different perspective, find solutions, and support you through this phase. 



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