Using Eid Break as an Opportunity for Life Changes



Tue, 18 Jun 2024 - 08:57 GMT


Tue, 18 Jun 2024 - 08:57 GMT

With this Eid al Adha has a total of 9 days of no work and less studying, it’s a wonderful opportunity to sit back and relax, but also, it can be an opportunity to make some small but drastic changes to your life, whether physically or mentally. Nine days of complete bliss, no emails, follow-ups, or 1-0-1 meetings, the perfect time to do the things you have been holding aside due to your busy schedule. Here are a few things you can do to improve your life, small actions but with massive impact.
Reorganize Your Home
In our day-to-day lives, we just leave our house as it is, clean and tidy from the outside, messy and unorganized from the inside. Our closets are filled with pieces we don’t wear anymore, old receipts in bags we forgot to throw away, expired makeup that can no longer be used, etc. We always remind ourselves that when we have free time, we’ll reorganize our homes and get rid of unnecessary things but we get distracted, with Eid being here, now it’s your time to rediscover what you own, see what you use and don’t use, evaluate your items and organize your home to be more neat. When you tidy up your closet, give out clothes you rarely wear to charity or eliminate unnecessary items, it gives you peace of mind, frees up space, and makes things easier to see and access.
Check Out Saved Items 
You know these videos or posts that caught your attention, like 5 tips to stay active, restaurant recommendations, or movies to watch? .etc that we saw on our feed but got too lazy to check out so we bookmarked them or put them in saved items? Now it’s the time to revisit them and start watching them. Even something small as a movie recommendation can bring joy to your life, visiting a new restaurant can be a part of your daily routine if you like it. You have the time now to see the things you cast aside because you were too busy and start enjoying the little things. 
Read Books
We know that starting a book can get daunting, the whole picking up reading as a hobby to some is time-consuming, and checking out people’s recommendations and seeing the number of book pages is scary, however, there is no need to pick up a book that’s too long. Pick up a book based on a genre you love, or read a comic book, magazine, or whatever you like, it’s just a hobby, not a book you have to read to pass your exam, so enjoy reading and open your mind to explore the wonderful worlds built in the books, and have your ideologies challenged and your horizon expanded. 
Try New Things
No matter how introverted you are, there’s a part of you that longs for an adventure. Something that’s outside your comfort zone you want to explore, whether that’s in the form of something extreme like skydiving or as simple as singing at a karaoke bar, use this Eid as a way to let loose, and try new things, explore parts of yourself that have been untapped. 
In short, these small activities and actions might seem insignificant and you might fail to think of their impact, but one good day or going for a tiny adventure can change your mood for the best. 



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