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“So long Eid, you’ll be missed. It’s time to face the real world.”
This is the moment we've been dreading, going back to work after a sweet and long holiday. After being accustomed to no responsibilities, sleeping and waking up at any time, and not having to answer any emails, it’s a hassle to get back to the old 9 to 5 job.
Because we got used to relaxing, it’s hard to go back to routine; however, we are here to help you get your energy boosted, productivity elevated, and become fully prepared for work.
Here are six things you must do to be ready to conquer the fatigue
1. Avoid Staying Up Late
The joy of staying up late partying or binge-watching a show is coming to an end. While you can still do that on your days off, it’s better to fix your sleeping schedule now and avoid staying up late, so you can relax your body and muscles, and be relaxed. A key to a productive day begins with a good night's sleep, so sweet dreams.
2. Take Everything Slow
The idea of opening up your email and finding a plethora of unfinished tasks is daunting. What’s important is to take everything slow and not rush executing all your tasks in one sitting. This leads us to point number three.
3. Prioritize Your Tasks
No matter how many tasks are currently pending, there will be this one thing that is a top priority. To avoid delivering anything after its due time, write a list of the tasks you have from most to least priority. Afterward, work on the most important task with focus and care without rushing it just to move on to the next one.
4. Motivate Yourself
Sometimes, the voices in our heads are our worst enemies. A couple of minor mistakes or just because you're slower than you used to, doesn’t mean you’re bad at your job or that you lack the skills.
Be your own hype man. Motivate yourself constantly and always remember that you can do whatever you put your mind to. Don’t surrender to negative thoughts.
5. Minimise Your Exposure to Stress
Whatever you’re facing at work right now, don’t panic. It isn’t worth getting yourself in a loop of stress and anxiety.
Even if your work nature can be stressful and the minimal mistake can jeopardize a lot, panic won’t solve any problems.
Whether it’s a relentless client or an annoying coworker, do not expose yourself to stress. Take a break, drink some coffee, have something to eat, and carry on with my friend.
6. Stay Hydrated
The most obvious statement in the world is the need to hydrate. Water is the element of life. It’s the fuel that keeps us running. Its benefits are too many to count, so don’t ignore drinking water to avoid headaches, become more productive and be healthy.
Final Words, going back to work is not the end of the world nor does it conclude the end of the holidays. Go to work with a positive attitude and perspective on life. Remember you are a champ and you can do it all.
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