5 Types of People You Need in Your Life



Mon, 24 Oct 2022 - 03:29 GMT


Mon, 24 Oct 2022 - 03:29 GMT

The types of people we surround ourselves with affect the way we think, feel, and act. When it comes to friendships, it should always be quality over quantity. A group of 10 friends among which none supports you or motivates is as bad as having no one at all, or even worse, given how badly they will hinder your growth. On the other hand, one good friend who supports, respects, and cares for you is more than enough to keep in your life. The right people no matter how few will push you forward. Be selective with those you keep in your circle, not everyone adds value to your life. Only a few will do:
1. The Cheerleader
You need someone who is constantly there to support and motivate you. A friend who celebrates your successes and cheers for your accomplishments. They love to see you happy and will get your back no matter what you go through, both the good and the ugly.
2. The Confidant
We all need someone we can fully trust. A person we can open up to and share our deepest, darkest secrets with knowing that they’ll never judge us or break our trust. This person is someone we feel safe and comfortable confiding in and we know that they will always be there to listen when we need to pour our hearts out.
3. The Comedian
Life is tough and this is why we need someone that brings pure joy to our day. Having a friend who can make you laugh from the heart is priceless. It is that type of friend you can turn to when you are down knowing they will cheer you up.
4. The Understanding
This type of friend is usually flexible in nature. They won’t give you a hard time for a day you got too busy and forgot to call them back. They understand that life can get busy for you as it does for them. They won’t even get offended if at some point you need space on your own because they respect others’ emotions and needs.
5. The Inspirer
Some people have this thing about them that just by talking to you, they open your eyes to something, or inspire a good that. They share stories with those around them to teach something or to pass on a piece of info. Around this type of friend, you feel there’s something you can learn, and fills you up with energy to create or become productive.



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