In Celebration of Women in Every Walk of Life



Tue, 08 Mar 2022 - 04:07 GMT


Tue, 08 Mar 2022 - 04:07 GMT

Not so long ago, maybe 10 years earlier, women weren’t as empowered as they are today. They had to fight to prove themselves capable, to establish equality in the workplace, and to be recognized for the many accomplishments that sometimes go unnoticed, just for being a woman. Today, their voice is heard, they hold big titles, fill important positions; they’re leaders, decision-makers, and experts in male-dominated industries.

 Every year, March 8th marks the day when women are celebrated all around the globe for how far they’ve come in every aspect of life. But in fact, women shouldn’t be celebrated only on this day, but rather this day should be a reminder of what it is like to be a woman every single day in life. We should celebrate women in every walk of life, the career-oriented, the mother, the daughter, the sister, the friend and the colleague, for each has a purpose in life, a role that when played along the rest of the roles builds better and more productive societies.

Today, we should be reminded that women should never be shamed for whatever they decide to do with their lives and that they should be appreciated for everything they do because no matter how small, every woman has a role. A working mother shouldn’t be judged on how she struggles to keep a balance between her family and work, and stay-home mothers shouldn’t be looked down upon as less of a success or achiever. Every woman is a superwoman in her own way and a superwoman in the role she plays.

Today, let’s celebrate women who with their strength and power empower, support, and encourage other women and men too. Let’s celebrate the nurturing mother, the loving wife, the supportive friend and colleague, the caring daughter and sister, and the striving professional. Today, let’s celebrate the women who helped us throughout our journey, who played important roles in our lives. And let’s not forget this; cherish the women in your life not just a day in the year, but every day in the year.



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