Daraweesh’ to show at ‘Mn Fat Kadeemoh Tah’



Sun, 20 Aug 2017 - 04:12 GMT


Sun, 20 Aug 2017 - 04:12 GMT

Daraweesh (Photo: fragment from promotional material)

Daraweesh (Photo: fragment from promotional material)

CAIRO – 20 August 2017: Historical Bayt El Sinnari located in Cairo will be hosting an oriental night featuring ‘Daraweesh’ a tanoura (whirling dervishes) show that is part of the 7th edition of the international festival ‘Mn Fat Kadeemoh Tah’ (He Who Misses his Past is Lost) on Sunday.

The Egyptian Tanoura originates from a Sufi dance and depicts a philosophical angle about the universe that begins and starts at an infinite point. The performers dance in circles to express the cycle of the moon and the planets of the universe.

This year the international festival is receiving Morocco as a guest of honor in collaboration with the Social Moroccan Delegation in Egypt, according to the event’s official Facebook page.

This edition of the festival will feature a group of unique artists of handmade products posting modern and traditional artworks. The artworks depict the heritage of each governorate of Egypt, making the festival among the top festivals in the Middle East.

Exhibited works include leather, ceramic, and carpet products, among other materials. The festival will also include seminars, workshops, and art shows. ‘He Who Misses his Past is Lost’ is running from August 18 to August 24



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