A Czech archaeological mission from the Czech Institute of Egyptology of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University succeeded in uncovering a Royal Scribe dating back to the Late Period in Abusir necropolis.
This discovery reveals more secrets of the site during the fifth and sixth centuries BC.
The newly uncovered tomb belongs to the high official Djehutyemnakht who lived in the Late Period, during the 6th and 5th centuries BC.
Mostafa Waziri, Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities explained that the first evidence of Djehutyemnakht tomb was uncovered in May, in the cemetery for high-ranking officials and military commanders from the 26th and 27th Dynasties.
Waziri further added that these tombs were built by ancient Egyptian elites to be similar to the tomb of King Djoser, the founder of the famous Old Kingdom of the pyramid-building era of the 3rd millennium BC.
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